Our Vision is to have 15 Flagship Church Multiplication Centers up and running by 2032. Those 15, by God’s grace, will plant 750 new churches (50x), and turn out 450 new church planters every year (30x) until Jesus comes back.
Flagship Church Update
We are almost at the two-year mark, and have completed, or have started work, on the first 6 of 15 Flagship Churches.
Nimule, South Sudan is the most complete. The church, primary school, and water system are all in place. The leadership team has already begun work in five locations for new plant churches.
Yei, South Sudan church is in progress. The steel roofing structure is on a truck in route to the location. The water system is already up, which is a huge blessing to the community. The leadership team has already planted new churches, and opened an Extension Center of our bible school.
Sudan Location 1 update (city omitted for security reasons). The first floor is nearly complete. Note the different design, this is for security reasons as well. The first floor will be a primary school, and the second floor will be a church and church planting training center.
Sudan Location 2 update (city omitted for security reasons). This has a similar two-story design as the first location. A primary school on the first floor and the church and training center on the second. Unfortunately, this location is temporarily paused due to heavy fighting in this area of Sudan. Please pray for these families. You have helped us feed and evacuate members. This is how people, communities and nations are being transformed. One life at a time.
Kajo Keji, our African headquarters is in the process of being rebuilt. Stones have been gathered for the foundation. A unique twist to Kajo Keji is that the funds have been collected from the local church for these stones.
Malakal Flagship Church is in the early stages of development. The land where the Malakal Flagship will be located is behind John Monychol in this picture. God willing, we will break ground next month. Due to rains, building can only take place from November to April.