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Empower One exists to train and support local church leaders to plant churches in the hard places of Africa.

Two ways to make an impact:

It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation. Rather, as it is written: “Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.”

Romans 15: 20-21

As you begin to open your hearts this year, consider giving to Empower One. We are dependent on gifts from people like you who want to bring the gospel to Africa. Your gifts allow us to bring refuge, food, education, clean water, and medicine through our Flagship Churches. We know the churches we are planting are changing lives and transforming communities in Africa.

This year, we have two ways to give:

Where Most Needed

Gifts given here go directly to our general fund; we are grateful for your partnership in bringing the gospel to Africans.

Flagship Churches Fund

Gifts given here go directly to our fund, which offers an amazing $1,000,000 matching opportunity.

Our Purpose

We believe that the greatest hope for the gospel in Africa is through the discipleship of local africans.

Since 2007, we have trained 8,432 local leaders to plant churches throughout Africa, and our 2032 goal is to establish 15 flagship churches that will plant 50 village churches in each of their geographic locations. That is 750 churches in some of the darkest places in Africa. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

Our Approach

We work with US churches to help support African church planting.

We have four unique ways we approach ministry to the most remote and hard to reach.

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Africans Lead Our Field Ministry

Empower One’s African leaders own the direction and strategy of our field teams

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Church Planting Bible School

Church Planting Bible School (formerly NEATS) we train local leaders to establish healthy churches.

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Flagship Church Multiplication Model

Fifteen churches combine their resources to establish any future Flagship Churches.

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Resourcing Churches and Leaders

We provide the materials, tools and transportation needed to help advance the gospel.

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Since 2006, Empower One has partnered with US churches to train indigenous leaders to bring the Gospel to the most difficult places of Africa.

Consider becoming an Empower One partner church.

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