Introducing Susannah McDowell

Susannah’s a recent college grad herself, hailing from the University of South Carolina. She’s pursuing her Master’s at Southeastern Seminary, and learning to love Greek.
We’ve tasked her with building our college ministry from scratch. Here’s where she’s taking us:
E1 College Ministry exists to empower college students for a lifetime of participating in God’s global mission as they walk with Christ.

We piloted putting college students on the field in 2023. Here a student from the University of Arkansas addresses kids in a refugee camp.
She is inviting college students to find their place in God’s mission.
If you are a student or know a student, Susannah wants to connect with them. Her contact info is below.
Sometimes they find adventures like this one from our pilot college trip:

Susannah wants to take that college student and have them meet Jesus afresh on the mission field. God at work in an unreached and under-reached area.
See what living on a dollar a day is like, meet a refugee, spend time in a developing nation.
We’re flipping the script as well.
On these college trips, not only will the American students have opportunities to share the gospel and teach, but they’ll come under our pastors, NEATS students, and women leaders and learn and listen.
You can learn more about our College Ministry here.
You can contact Susannah here.