My name’s called Banja Benjamin. I am South Sudenese.
Before I knew Jesus Christ, I was walking in my old life. Even robbing people, killing people, taking people’s property. Making prostitutes, because at that time, I didn’t know that there was somebody called Jesus Christ.
But when my brother came to me and preached to me, I got saved. I realized that really, I’m lost. So at that time I cried. I cried because what I did to people was not good. So I surrendered my life and God helped me.
From there, I stayed in the church. Pastor Dima Edward took me to the School of Church Planting (formerly NEATS) in Kajo Keji for two years. Going to the School of Church Planting really helped me in my leadership. If I didn’t go there, I believe I would not be strong in my leadership.
I face a lot of challenges in my leadership and I believe without going to the School of Church Planting, I would not stand.
From there, I went to Yambio as a missionary. Unfortunately, war broke out in Yambio and really it was so terrible and so difficult for me to move. If you were to go out of your house, you would be killed. And many people died and really it just broke my heart.
By the grace of God, I was able to come from Yambio up to Uganda in Rhino Camp. In the ministry of God which God has called me, I love it.
When we went to the camps, many gave their lives to Christ. Though we have lost many people, it is for the ones we have seen getting saved in the camp, that I say ‘thank you Jesus.’ More than a thousand people are giving their lives to Christ. Really, God is working. God is working.
And I believe if we go back to South Sudan they will be able to take this teaching to their own people and their own people will be able to accept Jesus Christ and we can see a lot of transformation in our country.
I really appreciate our brothers from the U.S. and our sisters for your prayers. Thank you for praying with us. Thank you for standing and praying for South Sudan.
May God bless you abundantly.