Become a Partner
Become a Prayer Partner
Pray for Us
Dedicated Personal Prayer
Include Empower One in your daily prayer time. We appreciate prayer and know your prayers will help lift and support our people, purpose, and teams.
Pray with Us
Join our Intercessory Prayer Team
Join one of our intercessory prayer teams. Please get in touch with Richard Sheetz, who leads our prayer initiatives, and he can connect you to the team.
Become a Financial Partner
Monthly Financial Partnership
Join the Village
Recurring monthly gifts allow Empower One to steward your gifts with more intention. All financial gifts are a blessing; monthly gifts help us make decisions throughout the year and provide more financial stability for our organization.
Fund a Special Project
Support a Project
We have several special projects, like Bibles, Jesus films, motorcycles, etc. Our African teams have several needs that help us make and support disciples.
Go On a Short-term Mission Trip
Go On a Short-term Trip
Existing Trips For You and Your Church
Join us on one of our existing trips, whether you or a few from your church; we’d love to host you on one of our trips.
Find a Trip >
Organize a Church Mission Trip
Custom Short-term Church Trip to Africa
Empower One can help you plan, organize, and help with all logistics of having your church go to Africa and serve Africans.