Empower One is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization registered in the state of Texas, Federal Tax ID#46-1178004. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law in the calendar year in which they are made. Please consult with your tax professional to determine the tax-deductibility, if any, of your contribution. You will receive a receipt and year-end statement for these donations.
Occasionally, Empower One raises more money for a project than is needed. In making your donation, you acknowledge that this situation may occur and agree that Empower One may allocate surplus funds to other projects at the sole discretion of Empower One.
Empower One adheres to the ECFA Standard 7.2 that states: “Occasionally, givers request a refund of a charitable gift they made previously. Since contributions must be irrevocable to qualify for a charitable deduction, there generally is no basis to return a charitable gift to a donor.” However, on rare occasions a donor may be refunded if a gift was made in error, and it was clearly not the intent of the donor to initiate the charitable donation in the first place. This will be reviewed on a case by case basis.